Lumineers are a minimally invasive, pain-free alternative to conventional veneers for shaping and whitening your teeth. If your teeth are small, misshapen, gapped, crooked or chipped, Lumineers can be your way to a beautiful smile that can change your life.
Lumineers dental veneers are remarkably thin (0.2 mm) and translucent, giving them the appearance of natural tooth enamel. Unlike conventional veneers, which are thicker, dental Lumineers do not require your own teeth to be reduced by grinding. Lumineers are so thin, they may be placed over existing crowns or bridgework. The reason why a Lumineer is so much thinner and translucent than a conventional veneer is because it is made from a special kind of porcelain called Cerinate.
For these reasons, the Lumineers dental procedure is completely reversible, although few patients request this because they are so pleased with the results. With conventional veneers, the natural teeth are severely worn down, sometimes to the point where they are little more than a stump. Unlike the situation with Lumineers, patients are permanently stuck with veneers.
On the first visit, the dentist makes impressions of the upper and lower teeth, sending the molds to an authorized Lumineers laboratory. Unlike traditional veneers, the Lumineer dental process involves no injections, no drilling and no temporary acrylic veneers.
On the second visit, which is usually approximately two weeks after the first visit, the dentist will place each Lumineer on your teeth one by one to make sure they fit properly. Each Lumineer is then individually bonded to your teeth.
If stained enamel or improper alignment are your only dental problems, there is a good chance you are suitable for Lumineer treatment. In cases of extreme misalignment, the dentist will need to make extensive revisions to the natural teeth. Your dentist may also recommend orthodontic work before placement of dental lumineers.
Lumineers will not last forever, but they should still give you 15 years of beautiful smiles. Compare this with traditional porcelain veneers, which may need to be replaced every ten years or composite veneers which need to be replaced after only five years. As hardwearing as dental Lumineers are, they will still need regular brushing, flossing and visits to the dentist and the hygienist to make sure you get the full Lumineers dental lifespan.
Contact us today to see if you are a suitable candidate for Lumineer treatment.